
Friday 8 August 2014

Politics Of Religious Exclusivism

Al - Qaida

 The challenge to the Muslim world’s strength presented by the Islamic State, earlier known as the Islamic state of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS), has become moderately grave over the past few days.
Baghdadi’s organization comprising the breakaway terrorists’ bloc of Al Qaida has made momentous gain in Iraq. Following its arrest of minor oil fields and demolition of quite a few heritage monuments it has seized control of the large dam on the Tigris and the international media is now warning of the possibility of a catastrophic flood.
These fears may appear embellished   but the clash in Syria continues, a confrontation has been reported on the border of Lebanon and according to an agency report, Saudi Arabia is strengthening its defense along the border with Iraq. The Arab fratricide is perceptibly taking a heavier tax than anticipated former.      
The people of Pakistan should be fretful that the motto of the Khalifa has spread to India. NewAgeIslam, a well acknowledged online medium for debate on Muslim affairs, has disclosed a agreement of demands presented by a leading Muslim scholar, Maulana Salman Hussain Nadvi, urging Saudi Arabia to create a Khalifa. Maulana Nadvi is reported to have pleaded for a world Islamic army and argued against branding the religious militants as terrorists. Instead, these “sincere youth fighting for a noble cause” should be united in an integration of jihadi organization for worldwide stroke under the leadership of the Ulema.
Maulana Nadvi is quoted as saying:  “As for the issue Qadiyanis, particularly Safavids (meaning Iran?) and those who abuse the Sahaba (meaning Shias) we should not be afraid of them and we do not need to go the USA or Israel to charge off coercion from them. Just recruit the Ahle Sunnah youth from the Indian sub-continent and form a dominant Muslim army of the Islamic world. After that there will no need of so-called army of the sick youth of the Gulf States.
“If you are heartfelt towards the true faith for true path, Sunnah and for the fortification of the right path of Islam, then simply make a plea, a call. Five lakh youth from the Indian sub-continent will be provided.”


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